pressed: false
sourceType: null
Tracking on


Reactive mouse pressing state. Triggered by mousedown touchstart on target element and released by mouseup mouseleave touchend touchcancel on window.

Basic Usage

import { useMousePressed } from '@vueuse/core'

const { pressed } = useMousePressed()

Touching is enabled by default. To make it only detects mouse changes, set touch to false

const { pressed } = useMousePressed({ touch: false })

To only capture mousedown and touchstart on specific element, you can specify target by passing a ref of the element.


  <div ref="el">
    Only clicking on this element will trigger the update.

import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useMousePressed } from '@vueuse/core'

export default {
  setup() {
    const el = ref(null)

    const { pressed } = useMousePressed({ target: el })

    return {

Type Declarations

export interface MousePressedOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
   * Listen to `touchstart` `touchend` events
   * @default true
  touch?: boolean
   * Initial values
   * @default false
  initialValue?: boolean
   * Element target to be capture the click
  target?: MaybeElementRef
 * Reactive mouse position.
 * @see /useMousePressed
 * @param options
export declare function useMousePressed(
  options?: MousePressedOptions
): {
  pressed: Ref<boolean>
  sourceType: Ref<MouseSourceType>

