
Reactive WebSocket client.


import { useWebSocket } from '@vueuse/core'

const { status, data, send, open, close } = useWebSocket('ws://websocketurl')

See the Type Declarations for more options.


Auto connect (disabled by default, will be enabled by default in the future).

This will call open() automatically for you and you don't need to call it by yourself.


Reconnect on errors automatically (disabled by default).

const { status, data, close } = useWebSocket('ws://websocketurl', {
  autoReconnect: true,

Or with more controls over its behavior:

const { status, data, close } = useWebSocket('ws://websocketurl', {
  autoReconnect: {
    retries: 3,
    delay: 1000,
    onFailed() {
      alert('Failed to connect WebSocket after 3 retires')

Explicitly calling close() won't trigger the auto reconnection.


It's common practice to send a small message (heartbeat) for every given time passed to keep the connection active. In this function we provide a connivent helper to do it:

const { status, data, close } = useWebSocket('ws://websocketurl', {
  heartbeat: true,

Or with more controls:

const { status, data, close } = useWebSocket('ws://websocketurl', {
  heartbeat: {
    message: 'ping',
    interval: 1000,

Type Declarations

export declare type WebSocketStatus = "OPEN" | "CONNECTING" | "CLOSED"
export interface WebSocketOptions {
  onConnected?: (ws: WebSocket) => void
  onDisconnected?: (ws: WebSocket, event: CloseEvent) => void
  onError?: (ws: WebSocket, event: Event) => void
  onMessage?: (ws: WebSocket, event: MessageEvent) => void
   * Send heartbeat for every x milliseconds passed
   * @default false
    | boolean
    | {
         * Message for the heartbeat
         * @default 'ping'
        message?: string
         * Interval, in milliseconds
         * @default 1000
        interval?: number
   * Enabled auto reconnect
   * @default false
    | boolean
    | {
         * Maximum retry times.
         * @default -1
        retries?: number
         * Delay for reconnect, in milliseconds
         * @default 1000
        delay?: number
         * On maximum retry times reached.
        onFailed?: Fn
   * Automatically open a connection
   * @default false
  immediate?: boolean
export interface WebSocketResult<T> {
   * Reference to the latest data received via the websocket,
   * can be watched to respond to incoming messages
  data: Ref<T | null>
   * The current websocket status, can be only one of:
  status: Ref<WebSocketStatus>
   * Closes the websocket connection gracefully.
  close: WebSocket["close"]
   * Reopen the websocket connection.
   * If there the current one is active, will close it before opening a new one.
  open: Fn
   * Sends data through the websocket connection.
   * @param data
   * @param useBuffer when the socket is not yet open, store the data into the buffer and sent them one connected. Default to true.
  send: (data: string | ArrayBuffer | Blob, useBuffer?: boolean) => boolean
   * Reference to the WebSocket instance.
  ws: Ref<WebSocket | undefined>
 * Reactive WebSocket client.
 * @see /useWebSocket
 * @param url
export declare function useWebSocket<Data = any>(
  url: string,
  options?: WebSocketOptions
): WebSocketResult<Data>

